General Care
Tips For Getting Through Shedding Season
Winter is behind us now, and we’re looking forward to enjoying some warm weather. However, for pet parents, there is a down side to spring: shedding. This time of year is a peak shedding time for many of our patients. We can help! Here, a Lakeville, MN vet offers some advice on getting through shedding…
7 Reasons To Celebrate National Pet Day
National Pet Day is April 11th! As you may have noticed, many of the pet holidays we like to observe are quite specific. Hug Your Dog Day, Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day, and National Spay Day all have very clear meanings. However, this one is just a general celebration of our animal companions, and we…
Caring for a Nervous Dog
Do you have a timid dog? Our canine pals all have distinct personalities. Some are friendly and outgoing, while others are very jumpy and fearful. A local Lakeville, MN vet discusses caring for a nervous dog below. Recognize Fear Fear in dogs can manifest in many ways. Fido may pant, drool, defecate or urinate inappropriately,…
4 Things You Can Make For Your Cat
Our feline pals make wonderful pets. They’re cute, cuddly, clean, and, of course, absolutely hilarious. Fluffy is also pretty easy to care for. However, your furball will need some things of her own, such as beds and furniture. These things don’t have to cost much. In fact, you can make quite a few of your…
Dog Training: Moving Beyond The Basics
January is National Train Your Dog Month! Dogs are very smart. Some pooches can learn as many as 100 words and commands. Of course, all dogs should know basics like Sit, Stay, Come, Heel, and Lay Down. This is important for petiquette, but it’s also crucial for safety reasons. However, there’s no reason to stop…
Fido’s Year in Review
Happy New Year! As we leave 2019 behind and move on into 2020, many people are looking back on the past year. What about our canine pals? Here, Lakeville, MN vet lists a few things that had the ‘puparazzi’ abuzz in the last 12 months. Robot Dog If you have been following the development of…
Holiday Gifts For Frisky Cats
Do you have a furry little bundle of zoom on your hands? Our feline pals are super mischievous, especially when they are young. As the holidays approach, you’ll want to get your playful pet a few gifts of her own. Read on as a local Lakeville, MN vet lists some great holiday gift ideas for…
6 Ways To Make Your Cat Feel Loved
December is National Cat Lovers’ Month! Of course, we love our feline pals all year long. That said, we’re always more than happy to signal boost these cute kitty holidays. What does it take to make Fluffy feel loved? A Lakeville, MN vet offers some helpful tips in this article. Basics Providing your cute pet…
Caring for a Highly Active Dog
Is your canine buddy a bouncing ball of mischief? Does Fido tend to race around at full speed, even if he’s just going from one room to another? Our fuzzy friends tend to slow down as they grow older, but many of them are furry, four-legged bundles of energy while they are young. Read on…