6 Ways To Make Your Cat Feel Loved

December is National Cat Lovers’ Month! Of course, we love our feline pals all year long. That said, we’re always more than happy to signal boost these cute kitty holidays. What does it take to make Fluffy feel loved? A Lakeville, MN vet offers some helpful tips in this article.


Providing your cute pet with basic kitty essentials will go a long way towards keeping her purring. Make sure your feline friend always has good food, fresh water, and a clean litterbox. Keeping up with your furball’s veterinary care needs is also important. After all, healthy cats are happy cats!


Playing isn’t just fun for Fluffy: it’s also great for her health. Cats, as you may have noticed, have an innate need to jump and pounce on things. Playing also keeps your furry pal fit, and relieves stress and boredom. Take a few minutes a day to hold a wand toy or laser pointer for your kitty to pounce on!

Kitty Comforts

It’s actually very easy to make your home into a kitty palace. Set out lots of soft beds for your feline overlord, and give her paper bags and cardboard boxes to investigate. Fluffy will also appreciate a comfy window seat, a good scratching post, and some pet-safe plants. Offering your furry friend lots of toys and treats will also help keep that little motor going.


Did you know that one of the best ways to make your kitty feel loved is to simply talk to her? Fluffy may not understand what you’re saying, but she’ll know that you’re communicating with her. She may even ‘reply’ back by meowing at you!


Brushing Fluffy daily will removing dead fur and dander from her coat. This in turn reduces both the amount of fur she swallows and the amount you find on your belongings. It’s also a great way to make your furry little diva feel pampered!


Cats are excellent cuddlers! Spend some quality time with your feline buddy every day. Offer her lots of attention, and let her curl up on your lap. If Fluffy doesn’t care to snuggle, don’t worry. Not all kitties are snugglebugs. Just respect your pet’s boundaries. Never force attention on an aloof furball.

Please contact us, your Lakeville, MN vet clinic, for all your kitty’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!