
Caring for a Deaf Dog

Deaf Pet Awareness Week starts September 22nd! Pets with hearing issues often have a hard time getting adopted. That’s really very sad, because they make wonderful pets. People are often reluctant to adopt deaf pets because they think there’s a lot of extra work involved. However, that isn’t necessarily the case. Many hearing-impaired pets just…

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Caring for Fido’s Furry Feet

Your dog’s paws are crucial to his health and well-being. Fido needs his feet to run after his favorite toy, offer you a paw to Shake, and, of course, to track mud all over your floors! Taking care of your pet’s paws is very important! In this article, a Lakeville, MN vet discusses doggy paw…

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Kittens Available for Adoption!

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Your Cat’s Veterinary Care Needs

August 22nd is Take Your Cat To The Vet Day! We know, most of our feline patients would probably rather celebrate Hug Your Cat Day or Spoil Your Cat Day or, well, just your average Thursday. However, proper veterinary care is crucial to your beloved pet’s health! A local Lakeville, MN vet outlines your kitty’s…

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6 Ways To Prevent Doggy Boredom

Dogs are very smart, and often get quite restless when they have nothing to do. In fact, many things that are considered bad behavior, such as digging and chewing, are actually a result of boredom. Read on as a local Lakeville, MN vet offers some tips on keeping your pup entertained while you’re out. Toys…

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6 Signs That Your Kitty Loves You

Does your cat sometimes jump into your lap when she wants to cuddle? One of Fluffy’s cutest and most charming attributes is the fact that she is so affectionate. We all know that kitties often purr when they are content. However, our feline friends have several other ways of showing their love, and some of…

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Puppy Socialization Tips

Has a puppy recently joined your household? Congratulations! Little Fido is sure to bring you lots of love and joy. That first year is a crucial time in your pet’s life, however. One thing that is very important is socializing your furry pal. A local Lakeville, MN vet offers advice on how to do that…

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Cat World Domination Day

There’s a pretty unique pet holiday around the corner. June 24th is Cat World Domination Day! Are these cute, cuddly little furballs plotting against us? Are they trying to take over the world? What would happen if they did? A Lakeville, MN vet offers some options on kitty world domination in this article. The Evidence…

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Caring for a Highly Active Dog

Is your canine buddy a bouncing ball of mischief? Does Fido tend to race around at full speed, even if he’s just going from one room to another? Our fuzzy friends tend to slow down as they grow older, but many of them are furry, four-legged bundles of energy while they are young. Read on…

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5 Simple Ways To Monitor Fluffy’s Health

Cats have a reputation for being quite independent. After all, Fluffy is a fierce predator in the wild! However, just like any other animal, kitties can be vulnerable to illness and disease. Unfortunately, our feline pals tend to be rather secretive when they don’t feel well, and often try to mask signs of illness. That’s…

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