
Pets and Guests

The holiday season is officially upon us. Are you planning to have guests over this year? If so, keep your furry buddy in mind as you get ready for your visitors. Read on as a Lakeville, MN vet offers some tips on helping things go smoothly between pets and guests. Preparation Before your guests arrive,…

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Thanksgiving Treats for Dogs

Thanksgiving is just around the corner! As you start preparing for the seasonal holiday, keep your canine pal in mind. You know Fido will be paying close attention when those delicious dishes start coming out of the oven. Why not make him something special? After all, dogs are truly something to be thankful for! Here,…

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Taking Your Dog to the Vet

Is your canine buddy due for a veterinary exam? While your pooch will be much healthier—and therefore happier—with proper veterinary care, he isn’t usually very enthusiastic about coming to visit us. We understand this. Although we do everything possible to make appointments quick and easy for our furry patients, we know that many of them…

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Keeping Your Cat Healthy

Our feline pals are certainly very popular pets, and with good reason. Fluffy is cute, cuddly, clean, and quite hilarious. She’s also a fairly easy keeper. However, just like any other pet, cats can be afflicted by illness or injury. Read on as a Lakeville, MN vet offers tips on keeping Fluffy healthy. Don’t Let…

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Helping a Shelter Dog Settle In

October is Adopt A Shelter Dog Month! Are you planning to get your new pup from a shelter? If so, that’s great! We loving seeing dogs get second chances. However, going to a new home is a really big deal for Fido. Those first few weeks are very important! Read on as a Lakeville, MN…

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Caring for a Deaf Cat

Deaf Pet Awareness Week starts September 23rd. While most cats can hear very well—much better than we can, in fact—kitties can lose their hearing due to age, injury, or infections, as well as from other causes. Fluffy can still lead a happy, healthy life if she can’t hear, but she will need some extra TLC….

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Helping Two Cats Get Along

Do you have more than one kitty? Our feline pals can be great buddies, but they don’t always get along with one another. In fact, some cats are extremely jealous of their furry roommates! Here, a Lakeville, MN vet offers tips on helping Fluffy and Mittens co-exist peacefully. No Favorites Kitties are very territorial and…

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Check The Chip Day

August 15th is Check The Chip Day. Getting your pet microchipped is a very simple process, but it’s one of the best things you can do to protect your beloved animal companion. If your furry buddy has not been microchipped yet, we strongly urge you to get this done right away. A local Lakeville, MN…

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Taking Your Dog Swimming

Do you enjoy swimming? It’s always nice to cool off in summer by taking a dip. Our canine buddies also love playing in the water. Here, a Lakeville, MN vet discusses taking Fido swimming. Pup Check Not all dogs are well-suited for swimming. Some pups, like retrievers, often take to the water naturally. Others just…

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How to Be a Great Cat Owner

There are many reasons to love our feline pals. One definite benefit to choosing a kitty for a pet is that Fluffy is fairly independent. She won’t need to be walked, trained, or bathed. However, keeping your furry buddy happy does entail more than simply dumping food into her bowl and changing her litter. Here,…

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