National Puppy Day

Did you know that March 23rd is National Puppy Day? This just might be the cutest unofficial holiday ever! Puppy kisses are definitely one of the best things in life, as far as we’re concerned. This is a great time to go over some of the basics of puppy parenting. Read on as a local Lakeville, MN vet discusses puppy care.


If you’re welcoming a new bouncing ball of fur into your home, you’ll want to do some puppyproofing to keep the little guy safe. Remove, cover, or secure wires and cords; toxic plants; household and automotive chemicals; medications; plastic bags and beverage rings; and anything that your curious furbaby could choke or cut himself on.

Veterinary Care

Proper veterinary care is extremely crucial to puppies. Your canine pal will need his initial exams and vaccinations right away. Spay/neuter surgery, microchipping, exams, and parasite control are also very important. Ask your vet to recommend an appointment schedule for little Fido.

Training & Petiquette

The sooner you start teaching your puppy obedience and good doggy manners, the better. The little guy should learn basic commands first. Sit, Stay, Come, Heel, and Lay Down are the most important ones. Housetraining should start right away, and can be done in conjunction with crate training. You’ll also want to discourage bad habits, like begging and jumping on people.


Socialization is very important to your puppy’s mental and emotional development. You’ll want to let Fido experience lots of new things, and interact with friendly people and well-behaved dogs. This will help him feel more at ease in unfamiliar situations when he’s grown up. Socialization must happen while your canine pal is still young, as by the time dogs get to be about 16 weeks, the window for socialization closes.

Tail Wags

As a new puppy parent, you’re starting out on a long and beautiful journey with your four-legged friend. Spend lots of time with the little guy. Pet little Fido, play with him, talk to him, and offer him treats and belly rubs. That cute puppy stage passes quickly, but it’s a wonderful experience to watch your pet grow from a playful, adorable ball of fur into a happy, healthy adult.

Does your puppy need veterinary care? We can help! Please contact us, your Lakeville, MN animal hospital, anytime. We are here to serve all your pet’s veterinary care needs.